Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pretty In Pink: Why I Heart Blane

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Blane? Blane?! His name is Blane? That's a major appliance, not a name!" haha. But aside from the preppy name hate, generally most Pretty In Pink fans are team Duckie for a variety of reasons. I started out rooting for the duck myself after seeing the film for the first time at age eleven. Like most duck fans, I thought he was the most deserving of Andie's love for his extortionate level of devotion and friendship. It also didn't hurt that he had an eclectic sense of style and a sharp wit. But as I got older and re-watched the 80s' classic over the years, I found myself drawn to Blane more and more. This isn't to say that he became significantly more worthy than Duckie in my eyes to be with Andie, but that I came to realize that he is a fascinating character in his own right. In addition, it became more clear to me why Andie was particularly drawn to him in lieu of loyal Duckie or the cool and sexy Steff. Below, I list what it is exactly that makes this poised, rich kid the bee's knees.

The Adorkability Factor

Of all the traits that make this character unique, I think this one is my favorite. The director/writer John Hughes dared to make the romantic lead awkward and shy. I know that doesn't sound like a huge deal now with the popularity of actors like Micheal Cera and shows like New Girl (which apparently coined the term above?), but when it comes to Hollywood in the 80s , I suspect this was not the norm. Even with our media's current saturation with awkward characters, I find that Andrew McCarthy brings a sincerity to the character's awkwardness that has a lasting charm and a refreshing sense of realism. He struggles to grasp at available topics for small talk, he freezes up in the face of confrontation, he hangs his head or averts eye contact in large crowds in some scenes, and in one of my favorite pieces of dialogue in the film, finds himself repeating the same conversational opener to Andie and stumbling over his own words while working himself up to asking her out. Altogether, he never comes across as someone who always knows the perfect thing to say or is "smooth" in any regard and I admire that. 

Male Representation of A Feminine Dilemma

Let me clarify. Blane's main dilemma or character conflict in the film is choosing between his best friend and the girl he loves. It doesn't sound all that groundbreaking for a male lead but if you think about the dynamic between Blane and his best friend, Steff, their communication resembles that of a female queen bee and her supportive, earnest friend. Typically, in American culture and media, it seems that male bonding is of a more direct, less sensitive nature that revolves around mutual activity such as sports or video games rather than complex communication. But, in contrast, Steff holds power over Blane using manipulation, emotional/psychological bullying, and the ability to deny social rights. Blane in accordance, desires to be accepted by Steff on multiple levels, is emotionally sensitive to any sort of disapproval by Steff, and is willing to put Steff's needs or desires above his own. I don't want to go so far as to say that gender norms in social roles are never broken or that this situation can be applied to every female friendship or social experience, but it seemed an intriguing representation to me. It is also interesting to note that Blane and Steff spar using words rather than fists. In fact, the final defeating "blow" to Steff by Blane is his line at the prom that exposes Steff's petty jealousy and insecurity. Steff is revealed as dealing with his failure to seduce Andie and the resulting shame by making sure no one else can have her. Overall, Blane plays out a role that I think subconsciously resonates with women. He doesn't give a shit what his parents think but threaten his hard-earned social position and his relationship with his best friend/mentor and it gets a bit more complicated. A woman's girlfriends and social relationships are a treasure. Blane's dilemma respects the difficult sacrifice that giving that up would entail.


Let's get one thing straight: none of Andie's suitors in the film deserve her. Steff was a bitter, self-centered prick who bullied what he couldn't have, Duckie lashed out and abandoned her when she didn't return his feelings, and Blane dumped her out of insecurity. What sets him apart is that he practiced a refreshing amount of self-awareness and humility post-breakup. He makes it clear that deep down he looks up to her and loves her fully for what sets her apart. More importantly, he humbles himself and confesses that it was his own insecurity that got in the way. Lastly, he doesn't beg for forgiveness or plead to be given a second chance. His intention is purely to give her peace of mind and the respect and admiration he feels she deserves. Duckie and Steff on the other hand lash out in different ways when Andie rejects their advances, feeling they deserve her by merit of money, looks, friendship, or length of devotion. Duckie submits to reality around prom and supports her but he never seems to grow as a character or acknowledge fully how his mindset was wrong. Steff just continues to be...Steff until he gets burned by Blane.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Top Video Game Hunks

Gamers have developed a rather nasty reputation in the media for being perverted and deviant in taste and ,perhaps, this is why game developers are shamelessly adding in cheesecake female characters for the eye-candy obsessed men folk. But, who says guys should get to have all the fun? Some gaming gems have remained in my mind primarily for the reason that they display prominent dream-boatery! In some cases, I'm convinced that they had female gamers in mind specifically when creating the mega-pixel hunks listed below. Eat your controllers out, ladies! Or lick the screen- whatever your preference....

Silent Hill 4: The Room-  Henry Townshend

Hey, Henry, I've got a hole for you....

Ah, the roughly handsome face that launched a thousand fan fictions! It's hard not to love that messy, long hair and those piercing green eyes. When Henry isn't busy trying to break out of his demon-possessed apartment through an extra-dimensional hole or fighting the subconscious world of a serial killer tenant, he likes to take nature photography or sit back and read a good book. Oh, and he's a sensitive, quiet soul who's ready to listen to all your troubles (bitching). And let's not forget that he knows how to treat a lady: he was thoughtful enough to bring a bouquet of flowers to Eileen, the female love interest and fellow tenant, after she got the shit beat out of her. And they say chivalry is dead.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- Carth Onasi

I know someone who can sharpen your light saber.

He had us lady gamers at "I'm all ears, beautiful." If you can't tell by the picture, when this guy isn't busy being George Clooney levels of suave and handsome, he's kicking sith ass and taking names as a part of your squad. It doesn't hurt that he has a Nicholas Sparks-esque back story where his motivation is revealed to be the loss of his beloved wife and child to the dark side invaders. In fact, his dreaminess factor is so great that he has numerous fan sites and a tumblr devoted to him: (you gotta love that name!) 

Fable 3-   Elliot

I'd chase your chicken anyday.

Okay, let's be honest, you would easily trade a group of rebellious Albion villagers and moral barometer for Elliot's swoon worthy English accent and perfectly coiffed hair. Not to mention his character is voiced by Nicholas. Fucking. Hoult. You know, the sexy ass bad boy from the first season of Skins?!

Jennifer Lawrence has all the luck in the world (or I guess the odds are ever in her favor har har). Leave some hot Brit boys for the rest of us!

That makes Elliot a two-in-one dreamboat special. Well done, Lionhead Studios!

Devil May Cry- Dante 

Oh Dante, I  should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight (echo)!

Okay, in all honesty, I have yet to play a game from the Devil May Cry series. Why pass up such an iconic and renowned series, you may ask? My PS2 is MIA and I have sparse time to play my current Xbox games as it is. However, Dante's chiseled, eat-your-fist-and-swoon good looks are quite an incentive. It also doesn't hurt that the series reboot's take on Dante is pretty damn sultry as well.

Hell, yes!

Resident Evil 4- Leon S. Kennedy

So, uh, Leon, when you take me back to my place, how about we do some 'overtime'? Come on! PLEEEEASE!! Love me, dammit!

You all knew this one was coming. How could I not include Leon S. Kennedy for a list like this? He is the video game hunk of hunks. He is the prince of pixels. His flowing, perfect emo hair is the stuff of legends. Enough said.